Sunday, 16 September 2007

Meeting tomorrow at the Tower!!!

The petition has now broken 1,100 and is still going strong.

Councillor Thornber last week confirmed the decision to go to proper consultation and to extend the Tower for a minimum of one more season. More details at

An initial meeting with Nicola Horsey of the County Council will take place tomorrow , Monday 17th September at the Tower at 7.30pm. Nicola will explain the consultation process that is planned and will be there to answer any questions that we have. It would be great to see as many campaigners as possible there!

I will be asking the following tomorrow:

  1. Can we review and give input to the terms of reference of the the options appraisal.

  2. Can we review and give input to the questions used in the telephone survey.

  3. More details on how the Tower users will be consulted with.

We are in the process of trying to form a working group. There are a couple of areas where we are short on representation. Please let me know if you are interested - or know anyone that is interested - especially in the following:

  • TAPAS - organisers and/or parents of children that attend

  • Attendees and/or organiser of the Half Term workshops

  • Performers or agents

Some great shows comingh up in the next couple of weeks - Average Blues Band, Magical History Tour, Swarbrick and Carthy and the extremely funny Mundo Jazz. Hope to see you there.....

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